The War on Info

Tim Jones
4 min readNov 27, 2017

In times where misinformation is rife I thought it would be interesting to share this story with you.

People are all too quick to take a story which is presented to them as fact and such stories are often used by those with an agenda to add more fuel to the fire.

Here is a tweet and a reply I found this morning:

That sounds quite bad and the horse thing is a hell of an accusation, but of course, the Mainstream Media won’t be covering it because they don’t want you to know how bad “The Left” truly is. At least that’s what numerous so-called Alt-Right “news” outlets would have you believe.

Remember, these are the people who think Antifa is pronounce “an-teefuh” because the biggest fascist of all, one orange skinned lunatic president, said so. Also the phrase “Antifa fascists” shows that Voice of Europe really knows how to put the moron in oxymoron.

There were numerous responses to this tweet that echoed the same sentiment of Antifa and Alt-Left evil, as followers lapped up the “facts” presented to them.

Anyway, I dug around for no more than two minutes and found this story from a Dutch news website:

Well anybody could have made that up, so I found the tweet from the Dutch police which was referenced in the article:

That’s all pretty hard to fabricate. I’m sure there are plenty of tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy bigots who will try and tell me that I’m wrong, but the evidence looks pretty convincing.

Then there was this tweet and response:

It wasn’t an Antifa protest, rather there was a counter protest to a protest by a group that can only be described as extremely Alt-Right. The reporter of the “news” in this case claims to be anti-Alt-Right, but in reality is something of a role model for a lot of people with incredibly Alt-Right beliefs. It was a cleverly worded tweet that implies something without directly saying it, but the response tells you all you need to know about its intent.

I’m not saying there aren’t any violent Antifa supporters, the same as I wouldn’t try and say there aren’t any violent people with any kind of belief, religious or political, but the generalisation of Antifa as a pure hate organisation is ridiculous.

You see, if you’re anti-Antifa then there’s a good chance that you’re Fa. There is no middle ground. You can’t say “a bit of fascism’s alright, but not too much”. There’s no Goldilocks standard for acceptable levels of fascism. The only acceptable level for fascism is zero.

Beware anyone reporting that which they say the Mainstream Media don’t want you to know and taking it at face value. If I can discredit this kind of story in just a few minutes, then what about something bigger? What else are they feeding people that is simply not true in order to advance a sinister agenda?

The only way you can actively shout “FAKE NEWS!” is if you start checking facts yourself. These people think we’re all too lazy to do so and it’s time to prove them wrong.



Tim Jones

Tim is a writer, an astronaut and an occasional liar.